It is a great feeling to come back to a clean, pristine looking home. With our power-washing services you can be sure to get that feeling before you step out of your car. With weather fluctuating between damp/dark/wet winters and sometimes dry, hot summers, the exterior surfaces of your home can quickly lose their shine and build up unsightly moss and dirt. Our power washing services will help restore that new fresh look!
Boost Curb Appeal, Easily
Power washing, also known as pressure washing, is very effective at getting out deep set grime/moss/dirt that may not even be that noticeable until you see the difference “before and after”. The pressurized water blasts away deeply seated stains lodged within surfaces like concrete, paint, wood, etc., leaving behind sparkling clean sidewalks, walkways, fences and decks . Whether you’re just looking to give your home a face lift, or looking at selling your home, pressure washing will help to greatly improve the curb appeal of your home.
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Power Washing Services for Homes, Apartment Buildings, Condos, ADUs, & Garages
PDX ProWash provides pressure washing services to a wide range of customers including homes, apartment buildings, condos, ADU’s and garages. Our window washing services also make an excellent compliment to freshly power washed homes, condos or apartments. Depending on your specific residence, we can put together a package to address common areas like exterior facade, gates, fences, walls, balconies, and exterior windows. Whether you’re struggling with a fixer-upper that needs serious care or a home/condo/apartment building that just has not received any TLC in a while, we can help!
Exterior Building Cleaning
Power washing an exterior isn’t as simple as pointing and shooting with a wand. First, an on-site audit is required by one of our professional cleaning technicians, followed by a review with you, and then the work can begin. The types of tips and PSIs involved will vary depending on the materials within your home’s construction.
When it comes to other areas like siding, walkways and sidewalks, our informed technicians know the best ways to remove stains, moss and dirt. We try to use a minimum of chemicals and harsh treatments, which will help preserve the integrity of your property. We can remove dirt, grime, stains, mold, and moss with power washing on all types of exterior surfaces, including walkways, driveways, pavers, siding, concrete, and many other common areas where moss and algae can be an issue.
When should I get my home cleaned?
As a general rule, exterior surfaces of a building should be cleaned at least every 1-2 years depending on the quality/condition and surface type of the exterior. A maintenance schedule that includes regular cleaning milestones that must be completed is a great way to ensure that your home looks beautiful and consistently clean.
Common Problems in Homes
Our cleaning crews are trained and ready to deal with the common problems that you see on external surfaces, including the following:
- Lime run – Lime run is a common bit of unattractive exterior staining that comes from carbonite. It’s usually a hard white or grey crust along mortar joints, and it can actually threaten the structural integrity of a foundation.
- Black stains – Black stains are often caused by hydrocarbons from vehicles that are eaten by a bacteria-based algae called gloeocapsa magma. Removing this algae can greatly improve the look of a building.
- Yellow and gold stains – If you’ve had bad cleaning done in the past, you might have uneven yellow or gold stains from leftover muriatic acid. If not rinsed away in the cleaning process, it can create damaging and ugly stains.
- Run marks – Run stains also are commonly caused by improper cleaning as well, and can often be easily addressed if caught in time.
- Vanadium stains – Common in newly constructed or water-saturated surfaces, vanadium stains can be yellow, green, or brown, and show up on light brick surfaces. They are caused by vanadium salts that dissolve in rainwater.
- Efflorescence stains – Often visible as powdery surface deposits that disappear when the surface is wet and come back when it’s dry. These are often caused by salts in rainwater or construction water.
Regardless of the type of external building cleaning issue, our residential power washing teams are ready and able to bring your home back to a sparkling clean state.
About PDX ProWash
PDX ProWash is committed to a cleaner and safer Portland. If you have been looking for a “professional window cleaner near me”, then we are your team! We will schedule all work to fit your timetable, complete the work to meet/exceed your expectations and invoice without any personal contact (if preferred). We are still mindful of COVID-19 and can provide “no-touch” invoicing.